Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where has the Summer gone?

So I was thinking to myself last night that it is alomst freaking September! Where has the time gone? I know I haven't been on in a while so let me catch you up on what we have been doing. Since I got my teaching job, I have been in training no stop since the begining of August, and house sitting, working on my masters, which take a lot of my time. So when I get home I can finally breathe. It has been a battle to get used to the fact that once again I have no time for fun! Kyle has been working quite a bit as well, like always. His boss is really pushing them to finish projects be for the rain hit, and we all know being in Oregon is like every five minutes. So with both of us so busy, finding time is kinda hard. Well I have to go pick up some flowers to take to Kyles brothers wedding reception, and yet again work on something else. I try to get better at posting more!
Much Love